Leave it to Twitter to bring out the creative side of health policy nerds.
#HealthPolicyValentines returns to Twitter this year with some hilarious, inside-baseball submissions from folks across the health policy spectrum – journalists, policy experts, lobbyists, and even a few healthcare organizations joined in the fun to submit their policy-themed Valentines Day messages.
Here are a few of our favorites from the past week:
I don’t need a navigator to find the benefits of your love. #healthpolicyvalentines
You’ve closed the doughnut hole in my heart #healthpolicyvalentines
Much like Obamacare enrollment, my love for you increased 53 percent in January. #healthpolicyvalentines
Don’t want to be a payer no more. #healthpolicyvalentines MT @davidrburda: Percentage of hospitals selling health insurance fell to 28%.
My love for you is like American health care costs: Overwhelming, and always growing. #healthpolicyvalentines
If you and I were payments, I would want us to be bundled. #healthpolicyvalentines
My love, don’t break my heart. It’s still an excludable pre existing condition on grandfathered health plans #healthpolicyvalentines
And of course, we couldn’t resist sharing a couple of our own:
3.3 million people chose Obamacare, but I choose you. #HealthPolicyValentines
— SchmidtPublicAffairs (@Schmidt_PA)
Roses are red, violets are blue. You’re totally HIPAA, I wanna get compliant with you. #HealthPolicyValentines
Have a health policy Valentine to share? Show some love in the comments below.